2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
increased to 195.
Teachers: Increased to 9
Miss Farah
School Function:
Fourth school annual Function was
celebrated this year and school was upgraded to middle level (i-e. from
class 6th to class 8th). Prizes were
distributed among successful students and Geometry boxes were given
to students as their gifts for new academic year.
Trust Contribution For students:
Trust provided books and copies to
students. Books of AFAQ were given to students of class one to class
fifth and for class 6th to class 8th books
were purchased from Abbotabad.
Salaries of school staff were given by
Work Done:
Trust constructed new bathrooms in school
for students and provided two water tanks. One tank collects water
from rain and other from water springs.
Servis Shoe Company:
This year Service Shoe Company donated 195 pair of shoes for students of the school. Each student was given a pair of shoe free.