2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Increased to 180.
Teachers: Increased to 8. The names of the two new teachers who joined are:
1. Miss Kulsoom
2. Miss Neelam
School Function:
Third School function was held in 2010.
Prizes were given to position holders. Lunch boxes were
given to all students as a gift.
Trust Contribution for students:
Books copies and School bags were
provided to students.
Salaries for the school staff provided by
Salaries were revised by trust and
increments were made for the whole staff.
Work Done:
Control of Water tanks was given to villagers. These water tanks collect water from water
springs constructed by trust.
Asia Foundation:
Asia Foundation started donating
books for our trust in 2010 and now every year we bring books on
different topics from Asia foundation for students and Teachers.
These books are kept in school activity room.
Plants Distribution:
Trust started to distribute fruits trees among people of Village to improve their livelihood and living standard. Almost 2000-2500 plants are distributed every year to parents of the students and other poor people.